A lot has happened since my most recent post. The woman I had started seeing decided enough was enough a short time ago. I guess it was for the best, anyway. Although I cared greatly for her - and I know she felt the same for me - we had too many different points of view in life. Too, a few things happened that made it harder for us to have a healthy relationship.
We never fussed or argued, save one time, and we enjoyed each time we shared together. There were just outside factors involved and it somehow changed her perspective on the matter.
Whatever, life goes on.
Aside from that, I've found a new profession that I seem to enjoy. Right now, I'm a bar-back at Ray's ESG on Kingston Pike here in Knoxville. It's a nice little place. The job I have is very fast-paced, although it's very free and flexible. I work at my own pace - so long as everything gets done - and have a wonderful time with it. The people I work with are great and treat me with respect. Too, people are constantly bragging about the "good job [I] do." It's nice being appreciated.
I'm making wonderful money; for the first time in my life I go without wanting or needing anything. If I run short on cash, all I need do is wait a day or two until I'm back at work. I make tips daily, so I always have money.
Generally speaking, life has been good to me lately, despite my recent break-up. I can't really complain about things. I'm back on the look-out for a potential lover and hope I'm not single for too long. Aside from that, I'm having the time of my life.
I suppose this will have to do for now. I've got other things I should be doing right now. Have a wonderful day, whomever is reading this right now.