Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Disregard my previous statements of an "old hope"...

Odd things happen to the hopeless, that's for certain. I mentioned an "old hope" or a flame that had been somewhat rekindled. Well, I found something better ... or someone, I should say. She's wonderful and hope everything goes right with her and I.

Well, as simple as this is, ciao. Got better things to do. ;)

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Some peope are unincorrigable.

This is a conversation I had today with someone rather ... disturbing.

(Bear in mind, she's racist. If you want to see her profile for further investigation, go to Please have an open mind when you read this.)

hyponiq2006: You, like all other racist bastards and bitches, need to be shot or find yourself at the losing end of a rope.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: and who just might you be
hyponiq2006: I am me.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: a nigger lover i assume
hyponiq2006: Not necessarily.
hyponiq2006: I grew up all over the United States. I've had very good friends of all races and creeds. I've also had worst enemies of the same.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: well if u aint white,u aint right
hyponiq2006: It is simply more gratifying to judge one by their intelligence and character, not the pigment of their skin.
hyponiq2006: "Right" is a matter of opinion.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: and the kkk is RIGHT
hyponiq2006: No, it's really not.
hyponiq2006: Murder, false judgment ... these are things capitally punishable per the Bible.
hyponiq2006: You do believe in God, don't you?
hyponiq2006: Well, according to the scriptures, "Judge not lest ye be judged." I'm not a holy roller, but I do believe that the actions we take in this life follow us to the next.
hyponiq2006: No, you're delusional.
hyponiq2006: There's a difference.
hyponiq2006: It's called "self-reinforcing delusion."
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: your stupid
hyponiq2006: Correction ... you're the idiot.
hyponiq2006: For starters, at least I know the difference between "your" and "you're".
hyponiq2006: Don't DARE try to pick apart my intelligence; you don't have the time.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: little wigger boy
hyponiq2006: "wigger"? Hardly.
hyponiq2006: If I were "wigger", I'd be talking black.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: cant teat apart something you dont have
hyponiq2006: Considering the fact that you're attacking my person, and I haven't attacked you yet, I'd say that I'm the one with a higher intelligence.
hyponiq2006: That might be a logical assumption.
hyponiq2006: Also considering the fact that I do not judge for I absolutely despise to be judged.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: you have a person?where?
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: lil boy went to get his mommy
hyponiq2006: Correction, I went to get a glass of tea.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: from aunt jemima i bet
hyponiq2006: Uh, no, from my refrigerator.
hyponiq2006: Seriously ... enough of this useless banter ...
hyponiq2006: ... why on Earth did you decide to be racist? What happened to you to make you choose such a path?
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: banter
hyponiq2006: "Banter" is synonymous with "argument".
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: because its the only path to follow
hyponiq2006: That's utter bull shit.
hyponiq2006: Why is it the only path to follow?
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: utters are cow tits....duh
hyponiq2006: "utter" also means "absolute".
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: awwwww
hyponiq2006: Get a dictionary before you choose to correct me.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: your so dumb
hyponiq2006: Nope. I'm perfectly capable of speech.
hyponiq2006: "Dumb" is the inability to make noise.
hyponiq2006: At least, that's the proper definition.
hyponiq2006: Let's try this again ...
hyponiq2006: Why is racism the only path to follow?
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: your a riot
hyponiq2006: you're*
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: no not me, you
hyponiq2006: I was correcting your improper use of "your".
hyponiq2006: Once again, stop attacking me and get to my question.
hyponiq2006: If you cannot answer, you only prove your lack of intelligence.
hyponiq2006: Why is racism the only path to follow?
hyponiq2006: If you cannot answer, not only do you not prove an existence of intelligence, you also prove you don't truly believe your "belief".
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: or im avoiding a very gay person thats boring as hell
hyponiq2006: Yes, I am happy.
hyponiq2006: Boring? Perhaps to someone who cannot fully understand true forms of intelligent conversation.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: havent heard any yet
hyponiq2006: You haven't been paying attention, then.
hyponiq2006: Then again, you're probably too dense to pay attention. I bet if a bird crossed your path right now, you'd forget you were even in this conversation.
hyponiq2006: Short attention spans are a plague to society.
hyponiq2006: Such as racism.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: if its a blackbird id shoot it
hyponiq2006: You are impossible.
hyponiq2006: You need to see the movie "American History X".
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: movies are fake like u
hyponiq2006: That might change your perspective a little bit. It's about delusional cowards like you.
hyponiq2006: No, this movie is based on fact.
hyponiq2006: And I'm as real as the processor(s) controlling your computer.
hyponiq2006: I don't care if movies are based on fact or fiction. All stories - real or not - have underlying realities.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: hollywood wouldnt know reality any more than u do
hyponiq2006: The one reality you need to face is that beneath our skin, we all bleed red. We all are chemically composited of the same materials.
hyponiq2006: Black, white, tan, pale ... it makes no difference. WE all have the same biological composition.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: i bet youd love to shoot me hun
hyponiq2006: Just because one idiot acts afool doesn't mean every one in that race is an idiot, too.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: does if you a nigger
hyponiq2006: No, I wouldn't. I believe in "Live and let live". Capital punishment is reserved for the most heinous of crimes.
hyponiq2006: Simply hating someone isn't heinous enough.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: let me guess,your a liberal
hyponiq2006: I don't claim to be anything.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: i bet youd love to shoot me hun
hyponiq2006: Except honest and true.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: im glad because u arent anything
hyponiq2006: No, I would not. How many times must I say it?
hyponiq2006: Well, if I'm nothing, neither are you. After all, you are talking to me.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: so your a liar to
hyponiq2006: I am not a liar.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: hyponiq2006: You, like all other racist bastards and bitches, need to be shot or find yourself on the losing end of a rope.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: your a liar
hyponiq2006: lol
hyponiq2006: No, I didn't say "You, like all racist bastards and bitches, need to be shot BY ME or find yourself on the losing end of a rope." I never said I would do it.
hyponiq2006: I just said that someone should.
hyponiq2006: I don't own or opperate a single firearm.
hyponiq2006: That's a cowardous weapon.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: no,your the coward
hyponiq2006: Am I?
hyponiq2006: I'm not afraid to respect or love anyone.
hyponiq2006: You are.
hyponiq2006: That makes you the coward.
redneck_kkk_cowgirl: neither am i
hyponiq2006: You run and hide from those you do not know and threaten that they should all be killed or degraded.
hyponiq2006: Have you ever taken the time to truly know those you claim to hate?
hyponiq2006: I doubt it.
hyponiq2006: If you had you would realize they're not all bad.
hyponiq2006: Believe me, I know.
hyponiq2006: You must understand that, genetically speaking, there is no such thing as "truly white".
hyponiq2006: And, for further knowledge, we ALL come from the same place.
hyponiq2006: We all originate from the continent of Africa. The "Adam and Eve" remnants - oldest documented skeletal remains found - were found in the very heart of Africa.
hyponiq2006: Being that a fact, you have the same genetics in your blood as any black man or woman.
hyponiq2006: Don't believe me? Google it. There are all kinds of documents on the matter by leading archaeologists.
hyponiq2006: So, to hate any "nigger" would, in turn, be hating yourself.
hyponiq2006: There is the underlying problem. I truly believe that you don't truly like yourself enough, so, you take it out on an easy target.
hyponiq2006: Hell, there are plenty of racists out there; at least by being racist yourself you have something in common with someone else.
hyponiq2006: A vast amount of people.
hyponiq2006: Sad, it is.
hyponiq2006: Pathetic, too.
hyponiq2006: There are some truly benevolent - and evil, for that matter - people in all races.
hyponiq2006: You really should take a lesson from both sides before you choose to be so ... judgmental.
hyponiq2006: And, for that, I'm done.