Monday, December 4, 2006

What a day ...

Well, I got up and ready to go to work at about 4:20 PM today. It usually takes me about a half-hour or so to get to work. When I got there, I was pulled into the office just to be told that I'm suspended for three days without pay.

That really fucking sucked! Why couldn't they just call me at home and tell me?

Oh well. I'm just about over it. I want a different job. I wish I could have a Web development job that I want, but everyone looks at certifications, not raw talent. I'm VERY good at it, but until I get that certification, no one will even look at me.

Well, time rolls on. Tomorrow is another day. At last I can enjoy a vacation. :)

Friday, November 17, 2006

Welcome to my inner sanctum.

Well, there's a lot to learn about me. So, over the course of time, and through posting in this blog, I hope you learn as much as you can (or want) to.

It will take some time and patience to really get to understand me to such an extent you can feel like you know my inner self.

I will be posting in this blog sporadically. There's no telling when I will or how often. Sometimes I might feel so inclined to do so several times in a day; there will be other times that I only post once a month. It all depends on the chaos that surrounds my world and what events have transpired to keep me from my keyboard.

For the most part, this blog will contain little tidbits about my everyday experiences, but will sometimes contain random information about my interests or even rambling thoughts I have.

The choice is yours to continue further down my road of insight and intrigue. But, beware, this road isn't easy to follow.